
Wednesday, 23 January 2013


What is the ion Cleanse It is an external purification apparatus, which gently removes toxins through your feet. The body detoxifies while you are comfortably seated with your feet or hands placed in a container of warm sea salt water. This is a very efficient way to remove toxic accumulations regardless of where they are located in the body. The Ion Cleanse Process generates separate streams of positive and negative ions which attract and attach themselves to oppositely charged toxic particles in the body and draws them out of the body through the skin into the warm salt water solution. Each session takes about 20 minutes. The Ion Cleanse Array goes into the water with the feet or hands, and the power supply delivers a small amount of direct current into the array, which causes the metals within it, in combination with the sea salt water (sea salt added to the water to the optimum level by the practitioner aided by the Ion Cleanse™ Control Panel), to generate the positively and negatively charged ions.


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